All about educational toys for children

All about educational toys for children

Which products are there on our website?

Our website presents unique handmade baby motor skills toys of the highest quality as well as products that create a comfortable environment for motor skills development in children. The list of the products is constantly updated. We put together a range based on the work of psychologists and the main trends in parenting. We work with reliable and trustworthy suppliers and we give you a guarantee for the quality of our products.

What influences a child's fine motor skills?

Experts in the field of child psychology and speech therapy have long established that the level of development of children's language is directly related to fine motor development in children. If the finger movements develop “according to plan”, then the language development is also in the normal range.

The fine motor skills of the hands interact with the properties associated with consciousness, such as attention, thinking, spatial perception, coordination, imagination, observation, visual and motor memory, language. This is why the development of fine motor skills is also important because the entire future life of the child requires the use of precise, coordinated movements of the hands and fingers, which are necessary for dressing, drawing and writing, as well as for many household and educational tasks.

Wooden sorter for kids

You can massage the baby's fingers and hands, sorting large, and then smaller objects - buttons, pearls, cereal. Various educational toys presented on our website are good helpers in developing fine motor skills.

Why is wood the best material for children's toys ?

Baby wooden toys for children occupy a leading position in the ranking of items that can have a positive effect on the harmonious development of babies from birth to school. The main thing for parents, choosing a toy made of wood, is to take into account the age characteristics of the baby, because it can benefit him.

Wood radiates the energy of nature itself, it is a safe and hypoallergenic material. Wood with a dense, homogeneous structure that is not susceptible to cracks is used for the production of children's toysWooden Building Blocks Rainbow
- Smoothly sanded wood feels very pleasant, has a light, unobtrusive aroma.

- Wooden toys are very durable. Thanks to their strength, they are quite capable of becoming a real family heirloom without losing their attractiveness and delighting several generations of babies.

- Many wooden toys are designed in the style of minimalism, that is, they contribute to the active development of the creative imagination.

- Children's toys made of wood are very easy to maintain. Only warm water and soap are sufficient to treat them.

What toys does a newborn baby need ?

Online shop educational toys for children, wooden toys for children, fine motor skills toys, motor skills toys, technique Montessori toys.

In the first months of a child's life, their eyesight, hearing and all senses as a whole are still fine-tuned and sharpened. Therefore, toys in the first year of a child's life should maximize their development without creating risks.

Tried and tested and definitely the best toys for babies up to one year old are rattles. We have a large selection of wooden rattles. Rattles develop response to sounds, they occupy a child for a long time.

There are also more modern toys that develop and calm the youngest children. These are wooden mobiles. Watching toys turn slowly is calming, so mobile is considered one of the best ways to calm a toddler. This first newborn toy will benefit both the baby and their parents.

Which toys are suitable for children from 1 year to 2 years old?

Online shop educational toys for children, wooden toys for children, fine motor skills toys, motor skills toys, technique Montessori toys.

At the age of one to two years, children develop very intensively. The further success of the kids depends on how this time goes by. The child can already walk more confidently and independently, begins to master more difficult movements: squats, attempts to run, jumping. The child has already mastered basic movements such as eating with a spoon and fork, drinking from a drinking cup or even from a mug.

At this age, special attention is paid to visual and tactile acquaintance with the world in development. Shortly two years ago, the child was able to put together different pyramids from rings, motor skills cubes, and sort objects by shape and color.

Which toys may be interesting and useful for children of this age?

- Puzzles with great details and vivid plots, simple building blocks made of geometric objects with great details.

- Goods for creativity, drawing, modeling, playing with sand.

- Toys with laces, large buttons, locks, buttons, various busy boards.

- Sorters and mazes.

Stacking game - Wooden train

- Books with stickers or other "complementary" elements (Velcro, strings).

- Toys that have large wheels in them and with which the child will move around the apartment safely while playing.

It is quite difficult to draw a clear line between the ages as it all depends on the child's level of development. Everything is individual, so we give more general recommendations that you can use.

What toys are useful for children from 3 years old?

Many parents wait for this age with concern. It is also known as the “three year crisis”. Parents can notice changes in their child's behavior. At this age he is more conscious of everything, requires a lot of attention. The child's perception of themselves and everything around them changes. From the role of a learner, he becomes an active participant.

The active socialization of the child arouses the child's interest in adult professions. He begins to play role-playing games: a cook, a builder, a doctor.

Wooden toy kitchen playset

Toys that are suitable for this age:

- For games for learning professions (tools of a plumber, doctor, inventory of a police officer, salesman, hairdresser), toys for games that allow you to get acquainted with everyday life (stove, washing machine, kettle, microwave).

- Food toys (fruit, vegetables, meat products) that can be attached to each other by magnets and cut.

- Everything for the development of creativity: paints, pencils, crayons.

- At this age, you can already buy complex building blocks with a large number of pieces, such as puzzles.

- Board games that develop logical thinking.

- Witness to active games: soccer and basketball balls, darts, balance board.

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